View Profile ArkasIcewind

Age 35, Male

Carencro, Louisiana USA

Joined on 9/25/07

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Well, now I've seen a new low for Newgrounds and its quite baffling that it is at such a state to where something with hardly any real quality or true effort was made and hit the front page.

I watched the "Brawl Funnies" flash since it was on the front page since everything that usually makes it to the front page deserves its standing only to see that it finally happened... I knew that the community and main users/viewers were the majority of little punk 7-13 year olds with the mental power of a slab of mud, but its finally come the day when they all just voted high to bump a flash to the front page.

I'm uncertain of were or when it happened.. but somewhere along the time line when the internet was made and my generation was no longer the "New" generation.. a new breed of idiot was born without a mind of their own that is swayed by the simplest and most childish things I have ever seen. I won't even justify this moronic mentality because they're "kids" mosty because I was no where even that immature and retard as these little internet trolls.

I can understand where "Brawl Funnies" is trying to go... but its so god awful its a defeat in the point or purpose of it being made. The only visually pleasing part is the opening for the first one.. and the rest is grade A+ Garbage.

Its amazing what no talent people with zero level of intellectual humor or though process manage to mangle together. Newgrounds is slowly becoming one big collection of special needs children with this strange inverse homo-phobia. Its actually quite repulsive as an artist and someone with a lot of creative ideas to see something so... half-baked just up and even made. I've never been one to hope much for the progression of intellect in mankind and its general well-being... but good heavens...

There are a small amount of artists I respect for my own reasons, but they have all earned it. Some flashes come out by people that do something amazing once.. and then never again, but the animation itself deserves its respect even under unforgiving standards.

All in all... I believe in keeping a high bar of standards... and if you don't meet those standards then you are not someone worth creating anything worth keeping. Its not impossible nor difficult to meet these standards, but I'll not accommodate anyone for their inability to properly do or try things.

As a final word... Where's the new talent? Where's the creativity? Has originally really died in the younger generation? Sad..